The mission of Kaplan-Cohen Tutoring is to provide first-rate tutoring, supplemental instruction, and additional resources to support students and help them improve their academic performance. Our tutors individualize the educational process for each student's specific needs to make sure that each student is appropriately supported along the way. Our tutors diagnose the root problems and work with the students to tackle these problems. Our tutors promote an active learning environment to lead to student ownership of learning and thereby improve a student’s ability to be successful. Our tutors focus on teaching students effective study skills, learning strategies, and overarching approaches rather than just focusing on individual assignments, so that students can extrapolate going forward. Our tutors work to empower students to achieve success and equip students with the tools to continue to succeed in the future. Overall, our tutors strive to help students become independent and able to rely on their strengths, abilities, and toolkits to succeed not just in the here and now, but into the future.
Our vision is to become a trusted, respected, and well-recognized tutoring company that helps all learners get ahead of the curve with their academic performance and their confidence.
Kaplan-Cohen Tutoring has the following core values: constant improvement, engagement, learning, passion, support, and empowerment.